Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Agenda - September 12th, 2012

1.     Elect Officers
a.      President                  
                                               i.     Candidates
1.     Molly Youngblood
                                              ii.     New Nominations
b.     Vice President
                                               i.     Candidates
1.     Tania Khouri
                                              ii.     New Nominations
c.      Treasurer
                                               i.     Candidates
1.     Max Duggan
                                              ii.     New Nominations
d.     Secretary
                                               i.     Candidates
1.     Courtney Struttmann
                                              ii.     New Nominations
e.      PR/Outreach – “Officer of Public Relations”
                                               i.     Candidates
1.     ?
                                              ii.     New Nominations
f.       Student Liaison – “Officer of Student Relations”
                                               i.     Candidates
1.     ?
                                              ii.     New Nominations
2.     Name Change?
a.      Vote on name change
                                               i.     Vote on new name, if applicable
3.     Member Info
a.      Update Excel sheet
4.     Outreach Events
a.      Fuego Friday – October 26th,  5-8p
b.     VASA Art Auction, November 30th, 6-9p
c.      F-Stop Show in the Lightwell – Early February
d.     Other Event Ideas
                                               i.     Bring in local artists
                                              ii.     Shows at galleries in metro area (Mainsite, Istvan, etc.)
                                            iii.     Exchange with other universities (UCO, OCU, etc.)
                                            iv.     Open Critiques
                                              v.     Student Demos
5.     F-Stop Events
a.      Trip
                                               i.     Philbrook and Momentum Tulsa
                                              ii.     Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth
b.     Movie Nights
c.      Gallery Visits
d.     Open floor for ideas
6.     New Business
7.     Decide Next Meeting Date
8.     Close

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