Sunday, October 23, 2011

October 24, 2011 (6:00 PM)

October 24, 2011
6:00 PM
Room: B-10 
(Meeting changes will be posted here by 3 PM the day of the meeting.)

Meeting Agenda

1.  Sign-In Sheet (pass around sign in sheet, “sign-in” only if you aren’t on the email list.)

Old Business

2.  Membership Dues
a. Allow time for members to pay in meeting
                                    b.   $15 due by October 29, 2011 (Saturday)

3.  Halloween Carnival
   a. Bake-Sale
                        b.   Pass around sign-up sheet
                        c.   Pass around booth attendants sheet

4.  F-Stop Gallery Exhibition
a. Committee Report – Tyson
b. Pass around sign-up sheet
                         c.  Open discussion on projects being submitted
                                   d. Set an “open critique” time and date

New Business

5.  Video/Photo Workshop, Demo, Lecture – Tyson


6.  Photo-Challenges
a. Select “chair person”
b. Present submissions
c. Vote
7.  Set Next Meeting
8.  Open Discussion for F-Stop Business/Direction

     -none submitted-

Adjourn Meeting

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