Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Agenda - September 12th, 2012

1.     Elect Officers
a.      President                  
                                               i.     Candidates
1.     Molly Youngblood
                                              ii.     New Nominations
b.     Vice President
                                               i.     Candidates
1.     Tania Khouri
                                              ii.     New Nominations
c.      Treasurer
                                               i.     Candidates
1.     Max Duggan
                                              ii.     New Nominations
d.     Secretary
                                               i.     Candidates
1.     Courtney Struttmann
                                              ii.     New Nominations
e.      PR/Outreach – “Officer of Public Relations”
                                               i.     Candidates
1.     ?
                                              ii.     New Nominations
f.       Student Liaison – “Officer of Student Relations”
                                               i.     Candidates
1.     ?
                                              ii.     New Nominations
2.     Name Change?
a.      Vote on name change
                                               i.     Vote on new name, if applicable
3.     Member Info
a.      Update Excel sheet
4.     Outreach Events
a.      Fuego Friday – October 26th,  5-8p
b.     VASA Art Auction, November 30th, 6-9p
c.      F-Stop Show in the Lightwell – Early February
d.     Other Event Ideas
                                               i.     Bring in local artists
                                              ii.     Shows at galleries in metro area (Mainsite, Istvan, etc.)
                                            iii.     Exchange with other universities (UCO, OCU, etc.)
                                            iv.     Open Critiques
                                              v.     Student Demos
5.     F-Stop Events
a.      Trip
                                               i.     Philbrook and Momentum Tulsa
                                              ii.     Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth
b.     Movie Nights
c.      Gallery Visits
d.     Open floor for ideas
6.     New Business
7.     Decide Next Meeting Date
8.     Close

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

February 7, 2011
5:00 PM
2nd Floor Lobby
Meeting Agenda

Call to Order [Presiding Officer]

1.  Sign-In Sheet (pass around sign in sheet, “sign-in” only if you aren’t on the email list. If you are a paid member, but aren’t receiving emails please note this also.)

2.  Reading of past meeting minutes [Officer of Records]

3.  Financial Report [Officer of Finance]

Old Business

4.  Creative Challenges

New Business

6.  Society Peer Workshops [Ryan]
7.  Society Events [Ryan]
8.  Fundraising Ideas
9.  Benefit Events [Teeko]
10.  Big Event Participation [Tyson]
11.  Guest Speaker Proposals
a. MJ Alexander [Tyson]
b. Shiavaun Williams [Teeko]
12. Bylaw Amendment Discussion (Pre-Proposal) [Tyson]
13.  Exhibition Opportunity at Mainsite Gallery [Tyson]


14. Set Next Meeting
15. Open Discussion for F-Stop Business/Direction


17.    Student Art Gallery [Jessica T.]
18.    Groovefest [Teeko]
19.    Volunteers needed – Art from the Heart [Tyson]
20.    PKN: Thurs, Feb 9 at 7:50 PM FJJMA [Tyson]
21.    Photography Slam: Thurs, Feb 16 at 6:00 PM FJJMA

Adjourn Meeting

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2, 2011 @ 5 PM

November 2, 2011
5:00 PM
Room: B-10 (check blog for changes)
Meeting Agenda

1.  Sign-In Sheet (pass around sign in sheet, “sign-in” only if you aren’t on the email list.)

2.  Reading of past meeting minutes [Officer of Records]
3.  Financial Report [Officer of Finance]

Old Business

4.  Halloween Carnival Recap [Ryan and Kristen]
a. Money Made
b. Thoughts/Opinions/Participation
5.  F-Stop Gallery Exhibition [Tyson]
a. Email from Jessica: Dates, Install/De-install, PR
b. Entry Eligibility
c. Submission Forms/Deadline
d. Open Critique
e. Open ended questions re: presentation
                      i.   Delegate responsibilities
f. Set Committee Meeting
6.  Society Workshops (guest artist for demo, lecture, workshop, etc.)
a. Members submit topic ideas & recommendations for people

New Business

     - No New Business Submitted -


7.  Photo-Challenges
8.  Set Next Meeting
9.  Open Discussion for F-Stop Business/Direction


     -none submitted-

Adjourn Meeting

Sunday, October 23, 2011

October 24, 2011 (6:00 PM)

October 24, 2011
6:00 PM
Room: B-10 
(Meeting changes will be posted here by 3 PM the day of the meeting.)

Meeting Agenda

1.  Sign-In Sheet (pass around sign in sheet, “sign-in” only if you aren’t on the email list.)

Old Business

2.  Membership Dues
a. Allow time for members to pay in meeting
                                    b.   $15 due by October 29, 2011 (Saturday)

3.  Halloween Carnival
   a. Bake-Sale
                        b.   Pass around sign-up sheet
                        c.   Pass around booth attendants sheet

4.  F-Stop Gallery Exhibition
a. Committee Report – Tyson
b. Pass around sign-up sheet
                         c.  Open discussion on projects being submitted
                                   d. Set an “open critique” time and date

New Business

5.  Video/Photo Workshop, Demo, Lecture – Tyson


6.  Photo-Challenges
a. Select “chair person”
b. Present submissions
c. Vote
7.  Set Next Meeting
8.  Open Discussion for F-Stop Business/Direction

     -none submitted-

Adjourn Meeting

Monday, September 26, 2011

September 29, 2011 (7:30 PM)

September 29, 2011
7:30 PM
Room: B-10
Meeting Agenda

1.  Roll Call (pass around sign in sheet)

2.  Leadership Team Announcement
a. Introduce each office and who was assigned it, give a brief description of the duties of each

Old Business

3.  Membership Dues
a. Establish Due Date
b. Currently established at $15 for this semester

New Business

4.  Light-Well Gallery Exhibition
a. Explain how it came about
b. Can begin to install after the 18th of November. Show must be ready to open by November 28th, the day after Thanksgiving break.
c. Open Discussion for exhibition theme or topic/title
d. Refer to committee?
e. Encourage members to began photo/video projects that can contribute to the exhibition

5.  Photo-Challenges
a. Explain the idea
b. Open for discussion
c. Refer to committee?  

6.   Fuego Friday, October 28th, 2011
a. VASA in conjunction with GDA is holding a Halloween carnival during the iron pour.
b. Possibly fundraising opportunity for F-stop; open for discussion.


7.  VASA is looking for volunteers for the Iron Pour Carnival.
8.  Tyson needs an assistant for SOAAH recruitment video
9.  Fred Jones Museum of Art – Photo Slam. Please email Tyson with 3 of your strongest images. Also will be used for blog/website.
10.  F-Stop Blog:
11.  Next meeting…

Adjourn Meeting